The Promise is fueling a growing movement to change the posture of God's people; From passive, fearful, hidden and largely ignored by the world, to become the fullness of all we were born to be in Christ. God is building something, from the ground up, using ordinary people, from ordinary walks of life, to become His extra-ordinary army. Together, we are arising, transformed and powerful, equipped to bring in the Kingdom of God to this generation, shining as beacons to guide others to The Lord.But where did it all begin?
'Imagine a world where my everyday people, live everyday lives of such impact, that the world around them is changed.'
Fifteen years ago, this was Kathryn’s God-given challenge. There was just one problem; knowing how?
Then came an unexpected ten-year season of intensely painful circumstances, where God revealed the answer. Taking her to the end of her own resilience, He gently showed her how to live in His. This was the life He always intended. Abundant life, living in the power of His Spirit.
Whilst born from the ashes of a living testimony from a life radically changed, the focus is not about one individual's theory. But rather, it's about the 'heart-cry' shared desire for us to collectively - increasingly, go after all Jesus came to bring us, in abundance; Revival of His Spirit within.
The Promise is brought to you by Fruit Ministries – a not-for-profit Scottish Charity - SC 045896.
It's purpose is to inspire, equip and empower God's people to display the glory of God.
Trust is key, so what do people say?
‘Put simply, if we all embraced the fresh truths in The Promise, it would transform our impact across the globe. Beyond bringing insight, challenge and inspiration, The Promise is practical and shows us all how to turn that aspiration into a reality – by revealing how we can become everything we believe.
Sir Brian SouterI have found The Promise Coaching App life-changing, in a way that no other discipleship I have ever received (or not received!) has been able to come close to. Baggage I have carried around for twenty-plus years is gone; All the resentment, bitterness and harboured bad feelings I have stored; some I did not even know were there. After years of prayer, all of a sudden God is doing such a deep work. And as I surrender, I feel so clean and free by His changes in me. I’m learning to watch out for triggers, my attitude and keeping short accounts. So I am freer, lighter and more content within myself. The coaching, in all its various forms, speaks right into my life and pinpoints things so accurately, leaving me so encouraged, uplifted and re-vitalised. Even though it is challenging, I find it life-affirming, rather than heavy. It feels like all the roots of the weeds within me are dug around. God then comes a gives a gentle tug – and the whole root comes out; tendrils, the lot, without hurt or scarring. He is doing a complete work in me. A work I never knew was possible.
Jane C‘Prior to The Promise, it would be fair to say I thought I had a reasonable understanding of the requirements and benefits of following Jesus. I was trusting, listened to God’s word, read the Bible and felt the Holy Spirit on many occasions. Since The Promise, my understanding and experiences of God are incomparable, in a profound way that’s difficult to explain. His indescribable touch now seems limitless in my whole life’
Sheena DBen was the heart and soul of the church. Everyone knew him. He was the strong one. The one who always had it together. And for the large part, he did. But he was tired. Every night seemed to be taken up with one church activity or another. He loved to serve. He loved to help. But he started to realise he was running on empty.
Through the clarifying approach of The Promise, Holy Spirit guided him to recognise the motive behind his diligent service. His sense of worth was wrapped in it. And underneath this was pride.
At first this stung, but Ben started to see his value didn’t come from all he did. It came from who he was to God. And this gradually revolutionized his mindset – and his relationship with God.
Where before he thought he just needed a break, what he went onto discover was he really needed a divine re-set. And on a matter that was so delicate, it was only the tender pruning of God that delivered him through it. In his own words: ‘There is only God who could have revealed this within me. The Promise helped me get beyond my ego so I could actually hear this – and now I feel free’.
BenSusie loved the lord and knew He was her saviour. In fact He was her life-line. She’d tragically experienced the loss of not one, but two precious children – and now found herself living alone in a foreign city. There were days when she was so trapped by the loneliness and pain that she felt, she would lock herself away into a deep hiding place. Hiding from the world. Even hiding from God. Only His arms could reach her in this dark and terrifying place.
Through the compassionate coaching approach of The Promise, Holy Spirit was given the space to love her back towards wholeness. In perfect timing, as her strength increased, He tenderly then began to reveal where her patterns were partnering with the hurt, so she practically learned how to change her responses. In her own words: ‘There was so much I had bottled inside for so many years. I didn’t know how to let it out without crumbling. But this showed me how. And Jesus is healing my heart’
This is enabling her to find hope and joy that she once thought was lost forever – and her huge heart for others is now a beacon of light to those who are hurting too.
SusieHailey is a busy working mum of two, who has been a Christian for eight years. And she loves the lord. But in so many ways, in day to day life, she always felt very inadequate. People would intimidate her, she would often feel gripping fear and anxiety about the future, just not feeling like she was enough. She held onto God and His word with all her might. But the day came when she was so fed up of the stress, she wanted something to change.
Through the empowering coaching in The Promise, Holy Spirit began to re-wire how Hailey saw Him. Not as an ethereal intangible force. But as a real person living within her. In her own words: ‘I’m lost now without Him. And I’m standing up to things I’ve never had the confidence to address before’.
Now when she’s daunted, she calls on His power inside. And this is re-setting her responses to life, giving her confidence, the ability to influence others and a peace even when the storms are raging.
HaileyPat was introduced to The Promise by a friend who had experienced huge transformation through it. Pat had seen the difference, and intrigued by what was behind it, she decided to give it a go.
Although she’d been a Christian for many years, somehow in the busyness of life, she was locked in isolation and just couldn’t seem to find her way back into God. But through the open-heart coaching of The Promise, a space was given for The Holy Spirit to melt all the fear, insecurity and worry that filled her view, replacing it instead with hope and confidence. But perhaps the biggest change was in how she started to see herself. Instead of a failure and not a good enough Christian, through His grace, now when she looks in the mirror, she sees a woman of value.
In her own words: ‘I don’t know how. But somehow, in all the pressures, I just lost sight of God. Now He has brought me home.’
PatPeter joined The Promise after an unexpected bereavement. A Christian for fifty years, He knew his faith- inside and out. And was diligent. He brought along with him the most servant hearted mindset. But here he found himself lost in grief, without a sense of purpose, finding it hard to reach into God.
Through the nurturing coaching of The Promise, something happened as the Holy Spirit started to minister within him. In his own words: ‘I’ve been so blind all along. It’s not just about Christian discipline. It’s about growing in the Spirit.’
Now his heart is healing and he hears God in a living, vibrant way. His character is growing in tandem with new gifting’s – as both converge into a fresh vision for life. And despite all that He’s lost, His focus is now what he has gained.
PeterSarah started The Promise as a brand new Christian. Broken by a life of pain and abuse, having tried everything to heal herself, she was desperate for breakthrough. One touch by the Holy Spirit and she knew her answer was to be found in God. But here was the stark reality: After a lifetime of having to protect, fight and provide for herself, allowing those walls of independent control to fall took a journey.
Through the gentle coaching of The Promise, over time Holy Spirit showed her how to let go, so His healing love could transform her within. In her own words: ‘This has changed my life. Through The Promise, I’ve been able to let Jesus transform every dark corner of my life.’
Since then, Sarah has overcome addiction to alcohol and now she lives a life to reach and help others with similar needs. All in the power of The Spirit.
SarahMy mind goes back to the first time I met Kathryn properly, when she had arrived one day at my office for a meeting. I went to find her in the waiting room and recognised immediately that I was actually meeting with the Divine in Kathryn. There emanated from her depths a sense of God; calm; peace; assurance – that quality of heaven which is very rare in our day and generation.
As I listened to her story I realised that her path had been a very difficult one. Her life was a story of abandonment, suffering, hardship, and awful loss – no ease here! Yet the beauty of what had emerged from that pain-filled life was totally remarkable. It looked to me as though here was one person who had been placed in the jungle of human suffering, yet by her God- given faith and strength had managed to beat a pathway through that jungle and create a clearing in the middle where there is peace and safety.
Sue Simpson (1/2)Not only this but through The Promise – written from experience and not a head place of theory and instruction only – she has made that pathway abundantly clear and set signposts all along that tortuous road of human pain to the clearing where God Is! Those who follow her there don’t have to do that hard work of beating down the jungle of tangled thoughts, emotions and voices themselves, but need simply follow the signs given along a path already beaten out in this remarkable book. Still, it’s not an easy book, that jungle still has its treacherous steeps and ravines we each must navigate, passing through our own “deep waters” to the gentle clearing of peace. But, for me, God has used this book, accessed by His Spirit, to point to me the deeper way, that “ancient path” and make it abundantly clear.
Sue Simpson 2/2‘It is my great privilege to commend Kayte and The Promise to you. Kayte is a mighty woman of God who doesn’t just say what she believes, but she actually lives it. She stands on it and gives her whole life to it. Reading the scripture this is exactly the description of one who can authentically be called a disciple of Jesus. It has been my privilege to get to know her as her friend and pastor, and I believe that all that God has brought her through in her life has prepared her for this moment, where He is releasing her into the world to share the extraordinary news of His promise of life to all who would come after Him. The life in all its fullness which Kayte writes about is the only life that I see her living out in the world around her in full, glorious Holy Spirit technicolour.’
Rev Jim RitchieMeet our Champions
The Promise is brought to you by Fruit Ministries, a non profit Scottish Charity number SC045896.
Kathryn - CEO and Founder
Kathryn lives in Scotland with her husband Andy and little boy, Jacob. Her life is a living testimony to the transforming power of God’s grace. Her life’s purpose is to spread God’s glory – and help others do the same. There is one word that describes who she is: His.
Nick Daldry - Non Executive Counsel
Nick lives in Erskine. He came to faith as a young man when in the Royal Navy in the far East. He is a licensed local minister with a passion for Kingdom discipleship and Church planting.
Jayne Minto - Chair
Jayne is a walking talking 'say-it-as-it -is' believer, who is passionate about 'keeping it real'. She has a passion for justice and seeing the extension of God's Kingdom in a practical way.
Sue Simpson - Spiritual Counsel
For as long as she can remember, Sue has always believed in God. Having converted to Christianity in her early teens, her life has since focused on one key pursuit: the deepest desire to find as much of Him as possible. She is passionate about authentic life in The Spirit. Sue lives in Scotland with her husband and three adorable Scotties of the canine kind.